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[영어 회화] 아침 일상, 잠 관련 표현 영어로 말하기

by ALMI 2023. 12. 9.

아침 일상, 잠 영어로 말하기
[영어 회화] 아침 일상, 잠 영어로 말하기

아침 일상, 잠에 대해 영어로 말하기

1. an early bird : 아침형 인간

ex) I am a definite early bird. Morning time is the time when my concentration is at its peak. I spend my morning time reading books or exercising for self-improvement.


* a night owl : 저녁형 인간


2. the alarm clock goes off(rings) : 알람 시계가 울리다

ex) I set my alarm on my smartphone. One of my alarms goes off at 6 in the morning. At first, I set the alarm sound to my favorite song to wake up with a good vibe. But, I realized it was my mistake because it ruined my enjoyment of the song. 


3. turn over in bed : 잠결에 몸을 뒤척이다

ex) It is always difficult for me to get up right away when I hear the alarm, so I turn over in bed listening to my favorite songs.


4. hit the snooze button : 몇 분 뒤 알람 다시 울림 버튼을 누르다

ex) My hands instinctively hit the snooze button. That's why I set 5 alarms to wake up in the morning. 


* snooze

   - 침대가 아닌 곳에서 잠깐 자다(눈을 붙이다)

   - (informal) to sleep lightly for a short time

   ex) She was snoozing on the couch because she stayed up all night.

   ex) I am not a snoozer. I get up right away when my alarm goes off.


5. get out of bed : 침대 밖으로 나오다, make one's bed 침대를 정돈하다

ex) I make my bed first thing in the morning. It makes me get out of bed and wake me up quickly.


6. bad breath : 입냄새

ex) Then, I brush my teeth because I can't stand my bad breath. I have to clean the bacteria that may have settled overnight.


7. jumpstart : 시동걸다

ex) I enjoy sipping a cup of hot water to jumpstart my morning and warm up my body.


8. stay up all night, pull an all-nighter : 밤을 새우다

ex) Instead of starting my essay early, I chose to procrastinate. I have to stay up all night rusing to finish it. I might need a lot of caffeine. 


9. be half asleep : 비몽사몽하다, 잠이 덜 깨다

ex) I was half asleep in the morning class because I stayed up all night.


10. I had a bad night : 잠을 잘 못 잤다.

ex) I had a bad night. I had a disturbing dream last night. My whole body feels stuffy. I need to stretch first.

