여러분은 정기적으로 식사를 잘 챙겨드시는 편인가요? 무기력이나 우울감을 벗어나는 여러 방법들이 있지만 꼭 포함되는 것 중 하나가 규칙적으로 식사를 하는 것입니다. 누군가는 아침을 든든히 먹어야 하루를 활기차게 시작할 수 있고, 누군가는 아침에 소화가 잘 안 되어서 아침 식사는 안 하기도 하죠. 또 누군가는 건강을 위해 다이어트 식단을 챙겨먹기도 하고 간헐적 단식을 하기도 합니다. 내가 무엇을 먹고 어떻게 먹는지에 대해서도 많은 말을 할 수 있을 것 같네요! 심신건강에 너무나도 중요한 식사에 대해서 어떻게 영어로 말할 수 있을지 유용한 표현들을 살펴보겠습니다.
식사 준비
1. take the ingredients out of the refrigerator 냉장고에서 식재료를 꺼내다
take 대신 get을 사용해도 됩니다.
- I forgot to take the beef out of the refrigerator to thaw.
- Please get the ingredients out of the refrigerator first.
2. rinse fruits / vegetables in water 과일/채소를 물에 씻다
rinse하면 머리 감을 때 사용하는 린스가 먼저 생각나지만, 기본적으로 '물에씻다, 헹구다'라는 뜻이 있습니다.
- It's essential to rinse fruits and vegetables in water to remove any pesticides or dirt.
- After picking fresh apples from the garden, she always rinses them in water before eating.
3. grill meat / fish in a frying pan 프라이팬에 고기/생선을 굽다
- I usually grill chicken in a frying pan when I want a quick and tasty dinner.
- He prefers to grill fish in a non-stick frying pan for a healthier option.
4. cook in an air fryer 에어프라이어로 요리하다
- Instead of deep-frying, you can cook fries in an air fryer for a lighter alternative.
- I love to cook chicken wings in the air fryer; they come out crispy and delicious.
5. thaw frozen food 냉동식품을 해동하다
- Once you've thawed frozen food, it's not advisable to refreeze it.
- If you forget to thaw the meat, you can use the microwave to speed up the process.
6. heat up the food in the microwave 전자렌지에 데우다
- When you're in a hurry, it's convenient to heat up the leftovers in the microwave.
- She decided to heat up the soup in the microwave for a quick lunch.
7. spread some jam on bread 빵에 잼을 바르다
- For breakfast, I like to spread strawberry jam on my toast.
- He forgot to spread the peanut butter before putting the second slice of bread on top.
식사를 하다
8. have breakfast / lunch / dinner 아침/점심/저녁 식사를 하다
- I usually have breakfast around 7 AM to start the day with energy.
- Let's have dinner together tonight; there's a new restaurant I want to try.
9. skip breakfast 아침 식사를 거르다
- I had to skip breakfast this morning because I was running late for work.
- She tries not to skip breakfast, but sometimes her schedule gets too busy.
10. eat two bowls of rice 밥 두 그릇을 먹다
- After the long hike, I was so hungry that I ate two bowls of rice for dinner.
- In some cultures, it's common to eat two bowls of rice during special celebrations.
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