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[영어 회화] 머리상태, 미용실 관련 표현 영어로 말하기

by ALMI 2023. 12. 12.

[영어 회화] 머리상태, 미용실 영어로 표현하기
[영어 회화] 머리상태, 미용실 영어로 표현하기


미용실에 가면 어떤 머리를 할지 상담하고 결정할 때, 현재 내 머리상태에 대한 설명을 해야합니다. 같은 펌을 해도 직모이면 컬이 금방 풀리고 곱슬인 경우 머리가 더 부스스하게 될 수 있기 때문이죠. 평소에 친구들이랑 수다를 떨 때도 '나는 머리가 곱슬이라 비가오면 머리가 부스스해'와 같이 머리 관련 표현을 자주 하곤 합니다. 그래서 현재 내 머리 상태, 모질을 영어로 어떻게 말하는지, 그리고 미용실에서 머리를 했을 때 사용할 수 있는 영어 표현을 정리해보았습니다. 자신의 머리에 대해 말하는 연습을 해뒀다가 꼭 실전 회화에서 활용해보세요!


머리상태 관련 표현

1. thick hair 머리숱이 많다

반대로 '머리숱이 적다'는 thin hair 입니다

  • I envy her thick hair; it always looks so voluminous and full of life.
  • People with thick hair often have to spend more time styling it.

2. fizzy 부스스하게 곱슬한

  • The humid weather makes my hair a bit fizzy, and I struggle to keep it smooth.
  • Using a good conditioner helps control fizzy hair and adds a sleek shine.

3. straight 직모인

  • Her straight hair gives her a sophisticated and elegant appearance.
  • I prefer my hair straightened; it's easier to manage and style.

4. part one's hair in the middle / on the left(right) 가르마를 가운데/왼쪽/오른쪽으로 타다

  • I decided to part my hair in the middle for a change; it's a trendy look.
  • She usually parts her hair on the right, but today it's on the left.

미용실 관련 표현

5. make a reservation for a hair salon 미용실 예약을 하다

아래와 같이 바꿔말할 수 있어요

- make an appointment for a hair salon

- make a hair appointment

  • I need to make a reservation for the hair salon; they're always busy on weekends.
  • Can you help me make a hair salon reservation for next Friday?

6. get one's hair trimmed 머리를 다듬다

get a trim, trim one's hair라고도 표현할 수 있어요

  • I regularly get my hair trimmed to maintain its health and shape.
  • She decided to get a trim to remove the split ends and freshen up her look.

7. have / get one's hair cut 머리를 자르다

머리 관련 표현은 have, get과 같은 사역동사와 과거분사를 써서 표현합니다.

미용사가 나의 머리를 잘라주는 것이고, 내 머리카락은 잘리는 것이죠.

I cut my hair라고 생각하기 쉽지만 이건 잘못된 표현! 내가 내 머리를 직접 잘랐다는 의미가 되어버립니다😲

  • I'm planning to have my hair cut shorter for the summer.
  • He decided to get his hair cut into a stylish and modern look.

8. get one's hair thinned out 머리숱을 치다

  • If your hair is too thick, you can consider getting it thinned out for a lighter feel.
  • She always gets her hair thinned out to reduce bulk and make it more manageable.

9. get a perm / have one's hair permed 파마하다

  • She decided to get a perm for loose waves; it adds a touch of texture to her hair.
  • I've never had my hair permed, but I'm considering trying it for a change.

10. get one's hair dyed 염색하다

내가 셀프염색한다면 dye(color) my hair라고 말하면 됩니다.

  • For her birthday, she decided to get her hair dyed a vibrant shade of red.
  • I usually get my hair dyed professionally, but I'm thinking of trying a DIY color at home.

11. get one's hair bleached

bleach는 '표백하다', 즉 '색을 빼어 희게 하다'라는 의미의 동사입니다.

혹시 이 단어를 보고 애니메이션 블리치를 떠올리신 분 있나요?

영어 단어 bleach 관련해서는 사신을 상징하는 검은색의 반대인 흰색을 연상시키는 단어를 써서 그 의미를 더 강조했다는 썰이 있는데, 그 외에도 한자 획을 일부러 바꿔 읽었다, 작가가 좋아하는 가수의 앨범명이다 등 여러 썰이 있습니다.

  • She wanted a drastic change, so she decided to get her hair bleached and go blonde.
  • Bleaching your hair requires careful attention to avoid damage to the hair shaft.

12. get one's hair put up 올림머리를 하다

  • For the formal event, she decided to get her hair put up in an elegant bun.
  • I often get my hair put up when it's too hot outside; it's a great way to stay cool.

13. get one's hair tied / tie one's hair 머리를 묶다

  • When I'm working, I prefer to get my hair tied to keep it out of my face.
  • She likes to tie her hair in a high ponytail for a sporty and active look.

14. fix one's hair with hair wax 왁스로 머리를 고정하다

  • For a casual day out, I usually fix my hair with a bit of hair wax for a messy look.
  • Hair wax is a great product to fix short hair and add texture to the style.

15. get one's hair straightened 머리를 펴다

  • She decided to get her hair straightened for a sleek and polished appearance.
  • Getting your hair straightened can be a good option for a change in hairstyle.