회사생활에서 많은 부분을 차지하는 미팅! 어떤 날은 회의 준비하고 참석하느라 일을 제대로 못하는 경우도 있죠. 회의를 준비하는 과정과 회의 진행 상황을 영어로 묘사할 때 유용한 표현들을 정리해보았습니다.
회의 준비 관련 영어 표현
1. request a metting regarding [주제] ~에 대한 미팅을 요청하다
- I would like to request a meeting regarding the upcoming marketing campaign strategy.
- Could we schedule a meeting next week to discuss the budget proposal for Q4?
2. prepare for one's presentation 발표 준비하다
- I need some time to prepare for my presentation on the new project milestones.
- She's been working diligently, preparing for her presentation on market trends.
3. book a room for a metting 회의실을 예약하다
- I'll go ahead and book a room for the team meeting on Friday morning.
- Could you help me with booking a room for the client presentation next month?
4. attend a metting 회의에 참석하다
- I'll attend the meeting on behalf of our department and provide updates.
- Is everyone available to attend the budget review meeting scheduled for tomorrow?
5. distribute copies / materials 자료를 나눠주다
- Before the meeting, make sure to distribute the project proposal copies to everyone.
- I'll be responsible for distributing the training materials at the workshop next week.
회의 진행 관련 영어 표현
1. have a meeting 회의하다
1차 회의 완료 후 추가 논의나 업무 배분, 미팅 결과 확인 등을 위한 2차 회의는 a follow-up meeting이라고 합니다.
- Let's have a meeting after the initial project kick-off to discuss roles and responsibilities.
- We regularly have team meetings to ensure everyone is aligned with project's progress.
2. hold a video conference 화상회의를 하다
- Due to travel restrictions, we'll hold a video conference for the international team members.
- I suggest we hold a video conference to include remote team members in the discussion.
3. collect opinions 의견을 취합하다
- During the meeting, we'll actively collect opinions on the proposed changes to the project timeline.
- Before making a decision, let's collect opinions from the team to ensure everyone's input is considered.
4. come up with future strategies 향후 전략을 제시하다
- The executive team will meet next week to come up with future strategies for market expansion.
- Our focus in the meeting will be to come up with future strategies to improve customer satisfaction.
5. write the minutes of the meeting 회의록을 작성하다
- As the secretary, I'll write the minutes of the meeting and share them with the team afterward.
- After each meeting, it's crucial to write the minutes to document key decisions and action items.
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