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[영어 회화] 운동(1) - 헬스장 관련 표현 영어로 말하기

by ALMI 2023. 12. 19.

헬스장에서 자주 쓰는 운동 및 영어 표현 10가지를 소개합니다. 헬스장 등록, PT 받기, 유산소 및 웨이트 운동 등 다양한 상황에서 유용하게 사용할 수 있는 표현들을 예문과 함께 제공합니다.

헬스장-운동하는 사람-일러스트
[영어 회화] 운동, 헬스장 관련 영어표현


체력을 늘리기 위해서, 체중을 감량하기 위해서 등 다양한 이유로 운동을 많이들 하시죠. 유튜브, 동호회, 헬스장 등 운동을 하는 방법도 다양합니다. 헬스장에서 운동 등록하거나 개인 PT를 받는 것, 유산소 운동, 웨이트 운동을 영어로 어떻게 말하는지 살펴보겠습니다. 세부적인 근력운동 명칭, 홈트 등은 다음에 정리해올게요!




    헬스장 관련 영어 표현

    1. go to the gym 헬스장에 가다

    • I try to go to the gym at least three times a week to stay active and healthy.
    • When the weather is bad, I prefer to go to the gym rather than exercising outdoors.

    2. make a new registration at the gym 헬스장에 신규 등록하다

    재등록하다는 re-register라고 합니다.

    • I decided to make a new registration at the gym because they have great classes that I want to try.
    • After moving to a new neighborhood, I had to make a new registration at a closer gym facility.

    3. get exercise counseling 운동 상담을 받다

    • Before starting a new fitness routine, it's a good idea to get exercise counseling to ensure it aligns with your goals.
    • The gym offers free exercise counseling sessions for new members to help them kickstart their fitness journey.

    4. change into one's sportswear 운동복으로 갈아입다

    • As soon as I arrive at the gym, I change into my sportswear to get into the workout mindset.
    • Wearing comfortable sportswear makes it easier to move during workouts.

    5. work with a personal trainer PT를 받다

    PT는 'personal training'의 줄임말입니다.

    우리는 'PT를 받는다'로 이야기하지만 영어는 '개인 트레이너와 함께 한다'는 표현이 더 자연스럽답니다.

    1:1 레슨을 받는다는 의미로 take a one-on-one lesson이라고 말할 수도 있어요.

    • For a more personalized approach to fitness, I decided to work with a personal trainer at the gym.
    • My friend recommended working with a personal trainer to achieve better results in my fitness journey.

    6. take a group lesson 그룹 레슨을 받다

    • Taking a group lesson is a fun way to stay motivated and meet new people at the gym.
    • Last week, I took a group lesson in spinning, and it was an intense but enjoyable experience.

    7. measure one's body fat 체지방을 측정하다

    • Some gyms offer services to measure one's body fat percentage as part of their fitness assessment.
    • I was curious about my progress, so I asked the trainer to measure my body fat after a few months of working out.

    8. wash up after sweating 땀 흘린 후 씻다

    • It's essential to wash up after sweating to prevent any skin irritations or breakouts.
    • After a rigorous workout, I always make sure to wash up thoroughly and change into clean clothes.

    9. do cardio 유산소 운동을 하다

    • Incorporating cardio into your workout routine helps improve cardiovascular health and endurance.
    • I prefer to do cardio exercises like running on the treadmill to get my heart rate up.

    10. do weight training 웨이트 트레이닝을 하다

    • Weight training is crucial for building strength and toning muscles, so I make sure to include it in my gym routine.
    • My personal trainer recommended incorporating weight training to achieve a well-rounded fitness routine.