병원에 가게 되면 꼭 연달아 방문하는 곳이 약국이죠. 약국에 처방전을 내고 약을 사서 집으로 돌아오죠. 가벼운 두통이나 감기증상이 있을 경우 처방전이 없더라고 일반 의약품을 사러 약국에 들리기도 합니다. 약국에서 약을 사고 복용법 설명을 듣는 등 약국에서 일어나는 일을 영어로 말할 때 유용한 표현을 정리해봤습니다.
약국 관련 영어 표현
1. hand in a prescription to a pharmacist 약사에게 처방전을 내다
- I visited the doctor today, and I need to hand in the prescription to the pharmacist to get my antibiotics.
- After the appointment, the doctor asked me to hand in the prescription to the pharmacist downstairs.
2. buy a household medicine 상비약을 구입하다
- I had a headache, so I went to the pharmacy to buy some household medicine like pain relievers.
- It's always a good idea to have basic household medicine like cough syrup in case you get sick.
3. pay for a medicine 약값을 결제하다
- The pharmacist was helpful in explaining the dosage, and then I proceeded to pay for the medicine at the counter.
- Before I could leave, I needed to pay for the medicine, and they accepted both cash and credit cards.
4. side effect of the medicine 약 부작용
- The doctor warned me about the potential side effects of the new medication, so I'm a bit cautious.
- Before starting any medication, it's essential to be aware of the possible side effects of the medicine.
5. dosage 복용량
- The doctor prescribed antibiotics, and the label on the bottle indicates the dosage I should take each day.
- It's crucial to follow the correct dosage of any medicine to ensure it's effective.
6. consult a pharmacist on a health supplement 건강보조제에 관해 약사와 상담하다
- I'm thinking about taking a new health supplement, so I'll consult the pharmacist to make sure it won't interact with my current medications.
- My friend suggested a vitamin, but I want to consult a pharmacist first to get their opinion on the health supplement.
7. over-the-counter medication 처방전 없이 살 수 있는 약(일반의약품)
- For minor allergies, I usually just buy over-the-counter medication instead of going to the doctor.
- Over-the-counter medications are convenient for common ailments like headaches or colds.
8. explain how to take the medicine 약 복용법을 설명하다
- The pharmacist took the time to explain how to take the medicine properly, emphasizing taking it with food.
- I was a bit confused about the instructions, so I asked the pharmacist to explain how to take the medicine step by step.
9. go to a pharmacy open 24 hours a day 24시간 영업하는 약국에 가다
- It was midnight, and I needed some medicine urgently, so I decided to go to the 24-hour pharmacy across the street.
- Knowing that there's a pharmacy open 24 hours a day is reassuring, especially during emergencies.
10. ask for a recommendation 추천해달라고 하다
- I'm not sure which pain reliever to choose; maybe I'll ask the pharmacist for a recommendation.
- Before buying a new cough syrup, I usually ask the pharmacist for recommendations based on my symptoms.
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