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[비즈니스 영어] 보고서의 그래프 영어로 설명하기

by ALMI 2024. 1. 9.

[비즈니스 영어] 보고서, 그래프 관련 영어 표현
[비즈니스 영어] 보고서, 그래프 관련 영어 표현

증가, 감소 등 그래프를 영어로 설명해보자

안녕하세요! 직장에서든 학교에서든 보고서를 쓸 때 빠지지 않는 것이 바로 그래프인데요. 그래프는 보는 사람에게는 직관적으로 정보를 전달하는 좋은 방법입니다. 그래프는 단순한 선이나 막대가 아니라 추세, 패턴, 변화에 관한 많은 정보를 담고 있죠. 판매량의 증감이나 추세의 변화를 영어로는 어떻게 말하는지 관련 표현을 정리해보았습니다. 이제 여러분의 그래프를 더 생생하고 효과적으로 표현하는 표현들을 함께 알아볼까요? 📊✨

그래프 관련 영어 표현

1. Show a Significant Increase 상당한 증가를 보이다

  • The sales chart shows a significant increase in revenue over the last quarter.
  • Our marketing efforts have led to a chart that shows a significant increase in customer engagement.
  • The bar graph shows a significant increase in the number of units sold.

2. Experience a Surge 급증하다, 빠르게 증가하다

  • The company has experienced a surge in sales following the new product launch.
  • The line graph demonstrates how the company has experienced a surge in online orders.
  • Our e-commerce platform has recently experienced a surge in user registrations.

3. Witness a Decline 감소하다

  • The sales report reveals that we have witnessed a decline in overall revenue.
  • Despite increased marketing efforts, the company has witnessed a decline in customer satisfaction.
  • The pie chart illustrates areas where we have witnessed a decline in market share.

4. Maintain Consistent Growth 꾸준히 증가하다

  • The business has successfully maintained consistent growth over the past three years.
  • Our brand has maintained consistent growth in both domestic and international markets.
  • Despite economic challenges, the company has managed to maintain consistent growth.

5. Experience Fluctuations 변동이 생기다

  • The line chart indicates that the company has experienced fluctuations in monthly sales.
  • The data visualizations clearly show how the market has experienced fluctuations in consumer demand.
  • Economic factors have caused the business to experience fluctuations in profit margins.

6. Undergo a Downturn 하락하다

  • The organization is currently undergoing a downturn in market share.
  • The bar chart reveals that we are undergoing a downturn in customer retention rates.
  • External factors have caused the industry to undergo a downturn in profitability.

7. Achieve a Breakthrough 중요한 성과를 이루다

  • The company's innovative strategies have allowed it to achieve a breakthrough in sales.
  • The graph demonstrates how the new advertising campaign has helped achieve a breakthrough in brand awareness.
  • Despite challenges, the product launch has helped achieve a breakthrough in the competitive market.

8. Face a Decline in Market Share 시장 점유율 감소에 직면하다

  • Due to increased competition, the company is facing a decline in market share.
  • The line graph clearly shows that we are facing a decline in market share compared to our competitors.
  • The marketing team is implementing new strategies to prevent facing a decline in market share.

9. Sustain a Consistent Performance 꾸준한 성과를 유지하다

  • The business has managed to sustain a consistent performance in the face of economic challenges.
  • The annual report highlights how the company has sustained a consistent performance in terms of customer satisfaction.
  • The bar chart indicates how the company has sustained a consistent performance in the production of high-quality products.

10. Encounter a Slump 급감하다, 갑자기 감소하다

  • External factors have caused the industry to encounter a slump in sales.
  • Despite initial success, the company has encountered a slump in demand for its latest product.
  • The sales team is strategizing to overcome the challenges and prevent encountering a slump in revenue.